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Город и порт Асэб находится на крайнем юго-востоке Эритреи, на побережье Красного моря, в 480 километрах к юго-востоку от столицы страны Асмэры.

SOUTHERN RED SEA REGION: This region incorporates the southern coastal area of the country and is focused on the port city of Assab. Business travel will be important to Assab and there is potential for beach and marine tourism based on the Eritrean and regional markets. The coastal road is at present in very poor condition and access is primarily by air. However, the coast road is proposed for improvement in the near future.
Region tourism development includes:
• Adventure safaris focused on the Danakil Depression and places further south and Rashaida groups’ cultural patterns.
• Beach resort development at Beilul and Beri’isole when access is improved to these places. The potential for developing game fishing will be investigated along this area of the Red Sea.
• Roadside facilities including small lodges along the coast road, possibly at Tio and Idi.
• Upgrading of existing hotels and eventual development of new hotels and other tourist facilities in Assab primarily to serve business travellers.
• Resort facilities for the Assab Bay islands focused on family-oriented recreation based on water sports themes.

Статья Википедии: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Асэб

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    Церковь Святого Михаила
  • Лагерь советских специалистов , Михаил (гость) написал(а) 7 лет назад:
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  • Doctor Baulin Anatol 1978. baoulinmail.ru, Anatol (гость) написал(а) 10 лет назад:
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    Fuel oil tank (Assab)
  • Порт города Асэб (Assab Port), sew (гость) написал(а) 10 лет назад:
    The port city of Assab (Assab)
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